CHALET GIRL, di Phil Traill con Bill Nighy

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view post Posted on 21/3/2010, 17:17

sai chia può anche darsi di no, nel senso che da che si è capito è un film ad alto budget e già è un vantaggio, poi in genere commedie come love actually o bridget johns vanno forte a natale e gli inglesi su ste cose sono dei semi geni. Quanto al film in se, non è nulla di particolara ma sono curiosa di vedere ed in veste comico-romantica perchè è molto diverso da tutto quello che ha fatto fino a ora ;)
view post Posted on 21/3/2010, 20:50

CITAZIONE (valiussa‚ @ 21/3/2010, 15:12)
CITAZIONE (`claire @ 21/3/2010, 14:51)
temo di non essere in grado di scinderlo dal personaggio di Chuck xD

Yes io pure avrò questo problema xD L'ho avuto pure quando ho cercato di vedere S. Darko..e non è che li fosse proprio tenero XD

quoto! pure io! quando ho isto s. darko mi sembrava quasi innaturale.. non mi convinceva... ma solo perchè io sono fissata con chuck... non perchè ed non fosse bravo!
view post Posted on 23/3/2010, 12:34

sai chia può anche darsi di no, nel senso che da che si è capito è un film ad alto budget e già è un vantaggio, poi in genere commedie come love actually o bridget johns vanno forte a natale e gli inglesi su ste cose sono dei semi geni.

Infatti non ricordo di essere mai stata delusa da un film inglese XD è quel ''teen'' nel genere che mi spaventa, lol
view post Posted on 26/3/2010, 12:09

cmq non so se lo sapevate ma è tratto da un libro, come bridget Jones (amo quei due film e prima ancora i libri ;) ) qui il link

mentre sono uscite le prime foto dal set ma per ora ancora niente di ED, si sa solo che il suo personaggio si chiama Luke...
e per la cronaca, anche se non è correlato con questo post, pare che abbia fatto un provino per un film con Anthony Hopkins ma alla fine non sia stato preso. Peccato, cmq vedo che l'agente almeno gli sta proponedo film con cast di un determinato livello ;)

Edited by isabella21 - 26/3/2010, 17:05
view post Posted on 26/3/2010, 12:11

Ah ok e dove trovo le foto dal set? Mi spiace per il provino accidenti
view post Posted on 26/3/2010, 12:15

io le ho viste da fanforum
nella pagine di ed westwick in news ;) (non le ho postate perchè sono solo due)
cmq qui le prime 20 pg del libro (solo grazie alle mitiche) e poi il link di un articolo tedesco sul film, lo tradurrei ma le mie scarse reminescenze del tedesco delle superiori mi impossibilitano XD
articolo tedesco
view post Posted on 26/3/2010, 12:19

Uh carina la Jones (e lei vero? XD)
Io di tedesco non so una parola a parte le indicazioni dei segnali stradali perchè vado in vacanza in tirolo XD
view post Posted on 26/3/2010, 12:47

io il tedesco che ho fatto alle superiori l'ho totalmente rimosso XD cmq le americane credo lo debbano tradurre, per cui appena lo fanno ci capiremo qlc ;)
view post Posted on 26/3/2010, 17:05

si lau è quella, solo che mi sono sbagliata a scriverlaXD pardon XD
Queen S.
view post Posted on 15/4/2010, 13:05

sembra che nel cast ci siano anche Brooke shields che interpreta la mamma del personaggio di Ed, e Sophia Bush che dovrebbe avere la parte della fidanzata
questo dal blog di un ragazzo che si trova sul set
Thursday was an exciting day. I was an extra in a movie being made here in Germany and one of the stars was Brooke Shields.

Here is the story. The movie company put out a call for english speaking extras to be in a scene set in a London Hotel. The occasion was the announcement of an engagement and they wanted extras in Black Tie. I sent in a picture of myself suitably dressed as instructed and received an invitation to show up.

So April 8 I arrive at 7 am at a local hotel here in Garmisch, Germany, along with about 40 others. Some I knew locally but others I didn't.
We change in a room of the hotel, receive our general briefing, sign some forms and they provided breakfast.

Shortly before 10am we are called onto the set and receive our instructions and placement from the director. Then the stars arrive and we begin. Take after take, moving our lips in simulated conversation, laughing and smiling as we enjoy the party. By the time it was over around 6 pm, many of us had been standing for up to 6 hours. I felt sorry for the ladies in their high heels. We did get a nice, simple lunch.

I was at a stand-up cocktail table with another fellow in a kilt. Ewan, from near Inverness. Also with us was Natasha, Russian born wife of an employee of here. The extras ranged from early 20's to some in their 70's I would guess.

For several of the scenes, Brooke Shields was within arms reach. At a break, she allowed several of us to join her for pictures. The young man to her right was an actor but I don't know his name.

Wearing the kilt was a definite plus. I spoke to several of the actors thoughout the day and many of the extras.

The title of the movie is Chalet Girl. If you search Google, look for the entry that reads Chalet Girl the movie. There are others with similar titles but some are XXX rated. This is not one of those. The male lead is Ed Westwick and the female lead is Felicity Jones. Ms. Shields plays the mother of Ed's character. I think she may have replaced someone else in that role because I did not see her in the entries I opened.

Over all it was a nice experience, but tiring. The production company was considerate of our welfare. An interesting experience but one I'm not likely to repeat.

e questa la fonte che parlerebbe di Sophia nel film
If you've been suffering Chuck Bass-related withdrawal symptoms you'll be pleased to know that Ed Westwick is making a movie.

He's currently holed up in posh ski resort St Anton making new comedy film Chalet Girl.

It also stars Bill Nighy, Sophia Bush from One Tree Hill, Tamsin Egerton from St. Trinians and playing Ed's love interest is up and coming Brit actress Felicity Jones.

You might recognise her from Ricky Gervaise's new movie Cemetary Junction. She plays a snowboarder in the movie but had never been up a mountain before in her life!

We'd throw ourselves down a ski slope if it meant we got to snog Ed.

The movie's not out until next year but we'll keep you posted on all the on-set shenanigans.

Are you excited about Chalet Girl?

And as if that wasn’t enough to contend with she finds herself falling for the Madsens’ handsome son Jonny (Ed Westwick) who is locked into a relationship with Chloe (Sophia Bush). With few friends she can turn to she takes to the slopes with a borrowed board and discovers the thrill of riding. With her confidence growing by day it is not long before she is spotted by a group of pro boarders who taker her under their wing and encourage her to enter the Roxy Slopestyle Pro boarding contest. Her luck is changing it would seem, but she has some stiff competition to beat, including Jonny’s ice-princess
view post Posted on 15/4/2010, 20:48

Siii Sophia *___* Spero sia vero xD
view post Posted on 16/4/2010, 15:43

view post Posted on 17/4/2010, 11:35

In pratica Sophia Bush è la ragazza di Ed che poi si innamora della cenerentola Felicity Jones...Se funziona come negli altri film del genere la Bush sarà la classica snobbettina con cui il bello della storia non è davvero felice blablaH XD

Comunque pare che esca il 4 Febbraio 2011 in UK, ed ha pure un account twitter XD

Eccovi una foto della Shields nei panni della madre di Ed-Luke. E' stupenda XD temo che sia subentrata alla tipa di Ugly Betty ma vabè ;_;
SPOILER (click to view)
view post Posted on 18/4/2010, 12:20

questo è il sunto del film...
non so dove le americane lo abbiano preso :I

Kim Matthews, a pretty and cocky 16 year-old from Essex, has the world at her feet, winning skateboarding competitions with an unrivalled skill and panache. 3 years later, however, and not quite; she’s working in a burger bar, her skateboarding days a distant dream as she struggles to support herself and her dad, mentally and emotionally, after the tragic death of her mum.

Finding the bills tough to pay, Kim stumbles into a highly paid catering job – in the Alps. Reluctantly leaving her dad Kim struggles as a ‘chalet girl’, completely out of her element in both the snow and the luxury world of her uber-posh employees, the Madsens. Mishaps after mishap ensue and Kim just can’t seem to get it right, and to top it all off she can’t even ski. Finding a dusty snowboard, tentatively Kim begins to teach herself and for the first time in years finds true enjoyment. As she begins to get the hang of it, she catches the attention of the local snowboarding champion, Tara, who notices her natural talent and encourages her to train for the end of season competition. It’s not only her snowboarding talents that are getting her noticed; Kim has also caught the attention of the handsome Jonny Madsen, much to the consternation of his mother and pouty girlfriend. As Kim’s ability on the slopes progresses and the jumps and the risks become higher it becomes apparent that Kim’s biggest obstacle is fear – fear from the scars of her mother’s accident. As Jonny and Kim grow closer, and the competition draws nearer, it looks like Kim once more could have the world at her feet – a chance at real love and at a championship title – but can she overcome the odds, and her own self, and claim it?

(riassunto alla babbegna -lau)
Kim (Felicity Jones) ha problemi a pagar le bollette e decide di lavorare come cameriera ben stipendiata in un hotel di lusso sulle alpi. Si sente un po' un pesce fuor d'acqua e non sa nemmeno sciare, ma da autodidatta impara a usare lo snowboard e ci si diverte. Una campionessa di snowboard la nota e la incoraggia a partecipare alla gara di fine stagione, mentre la nota anche Jonny (Ed), figlio del padrone dell'hotel, con gran rabbia della sua ragazza (Bush).

questi sono pezzi di momenti on and off set con ed e il cast durante la loro permanenza in Gemania... sembra si stiano divertendo in modo incredibile XDXDXD
li ho riportati da qui dove stanno riportandoi tutti i twitter e le informazioni su ED ;)

Speaking of which they will probably kill me for sharing some of the hilarious times we have had and will come later, but when you are sat between the star of Gossip Girl and Star of One tree Hill, in your first week of being the assistant to the producer, eating Sadle of Wild Boar and drinking your second bottle of red, singing Hotel california… you have to question how you got here and what the hell is going on?! So I am sure they wont mind… will they?

Mr. Nighy even popped down for the action, which was no surprise seeing as he is an extreme fan of the Footy. Braun & Westwick sat either side and they all got stuck into the match whole heartedly.

As soon as the game was over we stayed for a bit of fun and a shot of tequila Cinnamon and Orange… oh yes – apparently – as informed by our 2nd AD – it’s the only way to do them. And I think he might be right.

Our EPK team of three | Timo, Gendle and Wilson are all doing the most insanely cool job. They are a trio who have a background in filming famous snowboarders, gold medal Skiers and most importantly the Roxy Ridders. Who have come to do their first film EPK and have in the last two days been directing Nighy and Shields in their own comedy sketches… getting Westwick to sing and Jones dancing up a storm…. I honestly believe that Timo and Gen could get any of us to do anything – they are just brilliant!

Capturing the cast dancing, singing, free styling and even creating their own comedy sketches… I can not wait to see the final product of their efforts… I guess it’s all about relationships in these situations. If you get to hang out and spend time with the cast, you are then able to get them between takes and on lunch breaks for those classic moments which everyone would kill to see.

Erica, felicitys stand in, a local girl who is in fact American (her father works on the army base) seemed to know what, if anything, this tiny town had to offer to the likes of Brooke, Bill, Ed, Nick, Sophia, Tamsin and the lovely Felicity…

Not wanting to stay up till three am listening to trance the boys decided to ask the owner to bring down the Hip hop DJ an hour earlier to get the place really pumping! After a but of negotiation we were breakin gangster moves to Dre and Jay Z…

The first night I arrived in Garmisch, Tamsin, Ed and I decided that we should go exploring to begin our German adventure. With options such as Billy’s table dancing club, Peaches nightclub or Bowling I figured we should probably hit the lanes…?! We had the most incredible time even if it felt as if we had pull a “Good night sweetheart” and walked through the doors to enter Garmisch circa 1950. It was honestly the most fun and due to our tales of glow in the dark balls, beers bigger then you can drink and chicken wings… there had been a general buzz on set about going back there with a much bigger group.

The cast had arrived slightly later due to a well-deserved dinner and therefore almost missed the bowling, luckily caught the last half hour and I have to say Brooke and Ed were on fire…

So Monday night was Bills leaving dinner, starting off as a couple of the cast wanting to have a final meal with the legend, as his stories are just incredible and he is oh so funny… The boys had made a bit of a bond with him over football and music.

giungono tutti da questo blog sul film

Edited by marie. - 22/4/2010, 22:41
view post Posted on 18/4/2010, 12:33

Scusa sandra, ho cancellato il post perchè le foto sono nella sezione ;D
La trama è molto classica diciamo XD
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